welcome to mirrorkill's outer discordian church of the perpetually confused

Mirrorkill are a Lancaster UK-based band, of sorts, & a religious disorganisation (non-prophet, though, because prophecy is theft). We used to describe ourselves as "Mutant Industrial Jazz Punk"; then we invented the genre of Acoustic Heavy Meta; but now insist on being filed under Post-Industrial Digi-Fauxlk.

We don't charge for our music, because nothing you pay money for can ever be subversive.

NB: If you insist on using Internet Explorer, then this site will look prettier with the Dyer font installed.

mirrorkill to play at atticus books, 9pm 12th october 2018ce

Although the official Lancaster Music Festival is taking a break this year, a number of venues have decided to arrange their own impromptu events - so Lancaster Live Music Festival is go, from the 12th-14th of October.

Mirrorkill is pleased to have been asked to appear at Atticus once again, it's a lovely space. This will be an acoustic, solo performance, 9-10pm & the first since I've restrung my guitar three semitones down - so should be interesting.

Mirrorkill to support TAngerinecAT at Yorkshire House, Lancaster, 8th march 2018ce

Facebook event page here.

We've been asked to support TAngerinecAT, a rather fabulous Electronics'n'Hurdy Gurdy Psychedelic Drone Punk outfit, and Cassie at Lancaster's very own Yorkshire House on thursday the 8th of march, 2018CE.

Having had their album "H.R V.I.P" on heavy rotation for a couple of days, I can confirm that it's a magnificent sound, & we're proud to be involved.

42) Kibosh Kabarett, The Gregson, Lancaster, 3rd june 2017ce

A quick write-up with no photos - after our last outing at the Kibosh, where the sound was a little muddy, I'd decided that the next time I'd play it alone, for simplicity's sake. & the next time turned out to be this Pre-Election Special. The ongoing wall-to-wall ad-nauseam media coverage of the election may explain why the audience was a little sparser than usual, as well as the fact that there'd been an event the previous night in Morecambe.

41) Lancaster Music Festival, Atticus Bookshop, 13th October 2016ce

This definitely goes down in Mirrorkill's history as one of the odder gigs to come our way. I hadn't been aware that the esteemed establishment Atticus Bookshop in Lancaster had held Music festival events for the last few years, so wasn't quite sure what to expect - certainly not a DJ set up at the end of the rather cosy premises belting out a very fine hour-long funk set. As soon as there were around 20 people in there dancing it was, essentially, at capacity - the proprietor, Tom, having cleared away tables & stock for the occasion.

When the DJ had finished & packed away I took to the "stage"/back of the shop, with no amplification, armed with the trusty 12-string (on the grounds that it would be twice as loud as the six string). & it was really nice. A bunch of friends, & a few curious passers by who popped in to see what was going on, were an attentive & appreciative audience; & the book lined walls made it feel not just intimate, but like playing in a living room. Tom appeared pleased, & asked if we'd be up for a return next year...

Upcoming gig, Lancaster Music Festival, Atticus Bookshop, Thursday 13th October

It seems likely that this will be solo, acoustic & at 10 o'clock. We are eternally grateful to Atticus for the opportunity, & specifically to Kit for his support.

(Edited to reflect new start time at 10 rather than 11).


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