On the Etymology of C***, Political Correctness, My Own Bullshit, & Such Divers Matters

Originally published 2010CE, as an updated take on this, & something of a mea culpa.

I've starred out the offending letters in the title in order not to give greater offence. I have no particular wish to alienate anyone, but in order to discuss what I need to discuss I shall be using the word in question (& not just referring to it as "the word in question"). If you will be genuinely upset by this, then don't read the article. Otherwise, do.

a funny thing happened on the way to myspace

This was originally posted as a blog entry on myspace sometime in 2006CE - applies equally to facebook, really...

Well, here we all are at last. I've finally caved in. It's all over - I love Big Brother.

On Magic(k), Reality & Belief

Originally published back in 2005CE...

I Digress; or, A Riddle.

One day, some years ago, my sister sent me an email which was entirely written in capital letters. I forget what we were talking about, but I replied to her, pointing out gently that typing in caps is bad "netiquette" & is considered SHOUTING. Nothing serious, I just didn't know if she was aware of the convention.

In reply she expressed surprise that I'd pick up on this - "I always thought you were a non-conformist", she said.


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